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If you wondered about any of the jokes cut from Schumer’s recent Oscars co-hosting gig, this special, taped in early May at the Netflix Is A Joke series of concerts, should fill in the gaps. June 9 Courtesy of Netflix Amy Schumer’s Parental Advisory Billy Eichner (Billy On The Street and the upcoming Bros) hosts a fabulous night that includes appearances by Margaret Cho, Tig Notaro, Sandra Bernhard, Wanda Sykes, Rosie O’Donnell as well as others like Eddie Izzard, Sam Jay, Matteo Lane, James Adomian, Guy Branum, Canada’s own Scott Thompson and Mae Martin and others. Just in time for Pride month, Netflix is making history with this special, which they’re billing the largest-ever gathering of LGBTQ+ comics. June 8 Margaret Cho, courtesy of Netflix Stand Out: An LGBTQ+ Celebration

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Here Sandler goes sentimental, playing a basketball recruiter who wants to be a coach, who finds a Spanish player with a rough past that could be his next meal ticket.

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Though Hustle looks nothing like that Safdie brothers masterpiece about gambling, priceless rocks and hoops. Seeing Adam Sandler near a basketball court brings back fond (or perhaps) triggering memories from Uncut Gems.

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